Not many people live a perfect life. We screw up here and there, and on occassion, that may involve us getting a mugshot for whatever reason. Life doesn’t end, but it can easily be one of the lowest times.
Usually, when you’re taken in, you aren’t in best the best spirits and it’s not a kodak moment. These mugshots take that sentiment to an extremely different level.
He looks nice.
I have a feeling right before this picture was taken there was a briar bush involved.
What is even going on here?
Ahh yes, the chalky criminal.
Very nice tats guys.
This guy wins the best mugshot hair for sure.
This guy needs a doctor.
Arggg matey.
Bosley surgery didn’t go quite as planned, and then he lost it.
It appears he needed some help to get the mugshot done.
Can he even see?
What is that on his head?
They said he could be anything he wanted, so he became a goat.
Another botched Bosley hair procedure gone wrong.
She needs to seek medical treatment immediately, that does not look right.
Ok, I hope to never have to go through what some of these folks did
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