Bananas are the food that makes yummy meet healthy. The vitamins and helpful compounds within each fruit help in shielding the body from several diseases.
This is a list of 10 useful properties of this tropical fruit. Though almost all of these depend on the ripeness of a banana, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat green bananas. It’s just that the correct grade of ripeness have better health benefits on you.
Prevention of oncological diseases
Bananas contain a specific protein that helps prevent oncological conditions. Ripe fruits have much more of it in them. Hence, it is recommended to eat bananas with spotted or darkened skin.
Source: jstage
Fighting cramps
Mineral deficiency is a common cause of ankle muscle spasms. You can prevent muscle cramps by consuming products that are rich in potassium and magnesium such as bananas. This is why many athletes include banana in their diet.
Prevention of kidney diseases
Foods containing sufficient potassium help prevent kidney stones from appearing. One study noted a regular consumption of bananas can also decrease the chance of malignancies in the kidneys by 40%.
Source: foodandlife, NCBI
A robust heart
A potassium-rich diet is recommended to those who have high blood pressure and are prone to cardiovascular diseases. Daily consumption of 1.3 grams of this element decreases the risk of cardiac events by 26%. To attain this daily recommended intake, you should eat 2 to 3 bananas a day depending on your weight.
Source: NCBI
Clear blood vessels
Cholesterol is the main cause of vascular obstruction, which leads to atherosclerosis. Bananas contain phytosterols that help reduce the cholesterol level in your blood and maintain a healthy vascular system.
A healthy stomach
Bananas are recommended to people with gastric ulcers and those who are in the risk group. This fruit contains a special enzyme that protects the abdominal walls.
Source: NCBI
A source of energy
Bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals which make it a great source of energy. Simple carbs are quick to digest and can replenish your energy resource almost immediately.
A good mood
Bananas contain dopamine — the “happy hormone” — along with partial Vitamin B complex. This is why bananas are included on the list of foods to eat if you are feeling down.
Source: NCBI
Help with diabetes
This tropical fruit has a certain type of resistant starch that helps improve the condition of a person with diabetes mellitus type 2. It should be noted, though, that green bananas contain more of this substance. An average size green banana has 12.5 grams of starch in it. A ripe one, on the other hand, contains only about 5 grams.
Source: NCBI
A slim figure
Resistant starch likewise prevents fat from storing in your body. The recommended daily dose of this starch is 10 grams.
Sources: , NCBI