32 Tweets That Best Describe Parenting In Just 140 Words Or Less

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Having a family is wonderful. Raising kids with your partner, creating a happy little life is something that many people dream of doing. But in those dreams the kids are sweet, tidy, well-behaved little cuties. In real life, things are not like that. Kids become loud, sticky, messy monsters who cry about the craziest things. As much as parents love their kids, there are days where you just can’t stand them and have to tell Twitter all about those demon offspring you’ve created. Yes you love them but sometimes you hate them just enough to tell the world what they have done. These parents describe their life as parents with devastating accuracy.

1. Are you ready to become a parent? Take the first test.
funny tweets about parenting

2. A typical day in the life of a parent.
funny tweets about parenting

3. A flock of geese, a herd of cows and . . .
funny tweets about parenting

4. Once you get past all that – it’s all a cakewalk!
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5. Kid logic is pretty sound.
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6. Kids don’t need a reason for everything.
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7. It is how you spot a parent, even when they’re without their kids.
funny tweets about parenting

8. One step closer to becoming the intentionally embarrassing dad.
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9. “Mom! Mom! Mom! I have a field trip tomorrow!”
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10. Oh … Okay?
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11. Yes. It’s what the “Tooth Fairy” wants.
funny tweets about parenting