Woman Suffers Life-Threatening Infection From Common Beauty Item

A Kentucky woman was horrified to find out that her hair tie was the source of a life-threatening infection that appeared on her wrist

Audrey Kopp said she first discovered the bump when she was moving into a new home. She said the bump got redder and larger. She said her doctor prescribed antibiotics, but the medication didn’t do anything.

She resorted to surgery where doctors uncovered the truth behind the bump. She said it was caused by bacteria from a hair tied she had put on her wrist. She said the bacteria seeped into her pores and hair follicles that led to a serious infection.

According to Dr. Amit Gupta, Kopp had a large abscess on her wrist. He had to make an incision and completely drain the puss.

At first, Kopp didn’t think the infection was from her hair tie – instead, she thought it was a spider bite or something similar. However, after concluding that the hair tie was the cause, she opted not to wear hair ties around her wrist any longer.

She advised people to be mindful and not put the hair ties around the wrist because it could lead to an infection. She said once the infection is in the bloodstream, people can fall into a coma where the body starts shutting die and they can die.



There were several readers who were shocked by the situation:

One person said they have never considered a hair tie could cause something like that.

Another reader said they’re glad she was able to catch it in time.

Another person said young girls need to know her story to keep this from happening to them.

Wrist Injuries and Skin Diseases Not Uncommon

Katie Widdowson, 24, died after her wrist was injured during a sex game and she contracted a flesh-eating disease.

Her partner, Dean, said Widdowson had contracted necrotizing fasciitis.

Patricia was Katie’s mother who said the couple had been to a New Year’s Eve party and had sex that early morning. She said the couple was very loving to each other and it didn’t matter what they did behind closed doors.

However, Widdowson had sent Dean a picture of her wrist, complaining that it hurt. The next day, the wrist and arm looked terrible. On the base of her thumb was a black mark, she said. The family thinks this is where the injury occurred.

Patricia blames the hospital for her daughter’s death because they ignored the apparent red flags of the injury.

Widdowson had a heart attack in the ambulance while being transported to the hospital.