An Ohio mother and father must go before the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court to answer felony charges of drug possession and endangering children.
Danielle Simko and Charles Dowdy, both 31, were on the bed with the little boy around 10:30 p.m. when the child stopped breathing all of a sudden.
Authorities said Dowdy saw the boy’s lips turn blue and started chest compressions to save his life. Dowdy also called 911. According to authorities, Simko let the officers in and checked on the child and discovered he had a pulse. An ambulance arrived and immediately whisked the boy away to Southwest General Medical Center where hospital staff found a baggie of prescription pills and heroin in his sock.
Detectives questioned Dowdy who admitted to the use of drugs earlier in the day. However, it’s not known how the drugs got into the boy’s sock.
Once the story hit the Internet, there were hundreds of people upset with the parents for doing drugs when their child was in the home. Many of the commenters said the parents should not get the child back and need to focus on getting help for their addiction.
One commenter on named Mark Ferencz said:
“This is a perfect example why addicts or enablers need to be responsible for their actions and not be looked at as victims. S*** like this can happen.”
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