Charles Younger, 39, of Allentown gave his 13-year-old daughter 17 shots of vodka and fleed after she passed out was recently found guilty of child endangerment.
He will spend up to four years in a state penitentiary.
The teen’s mother, Michelle Edwards, 32, was also sentenced to up to 23 months in jail for the same charge. Edwards, who had been free on a $20,000 unsecured bail, was immediately transported to jail upon her sentencing. Younger, on the other hand, was in jail… unable to meet the 10% of the $20,000 bail ordered.
On Jan. 7, the girl was transported quickly to the hospital, after she drank 17 vodka shots in two hours at the family’s home.
According to police, Edwards purchased the vodka that day, and her daughter was with her at the time. Younger said he gave shots to his daughter for her birthday as well as another non-relative female, who is 15-years-old.
Edwards said she woke up to the 13-year-old vomiting but was afraid to call 911 and the ambulance service. Another adult, however, called EMS and Allentown police. Before they arrived, both Edwards and Younger fled the scene.
However, Younger told the judge that he did run initially but came back because his children mean the world to him. He said his stupidity meant his kids lost both parents.
According to doctors from Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, the girl’s blood alcohol level was four times the legal limit to drive.
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