Taylar Cordova is a hard-working, single mother to a beautiful baby girl. She works at a local restaurant. Waitresses rely on tips to supplement their low hourly wage.
She takes pride in her job, and doesn’t let the small stuff get her down. But when one table rang up a bill of $187.43 and left her no tip, she couldn’t stay silent any longer.
Taylar shared a snap of the offending receipt, and explained why tips mean so much to her and her family.
Taylar’s powerful message didn’t stop with her friends, more than 15,000 people responded to what she had to say. Her message has been shared, and while this experience might have been terrible, she can be proud of such such a strong example for her baby girl.
What an amazing role model. Taylar’s daughter is lucky to have a mom who is brave enough to tell it like it really is.