Just like many other parents, Lynne Polvino is a Mom with tons of things to do every day. She takes care of her child along with the rest of things to do her daily life.
There was an assignment to her daughter that in Polvino’s mind was quite sexist. It basically quizzes with blanks a scene where the mother is going back to work. The whole scene is rushed because her Mom has to work. Everything is negative until the end where the Mom says that she leaves early to see her daughter after school. Polvino didn’t really like the assignment.
Polvino told Today:
“It just pushed so many buttons for me, and with each sentence it managed to get worse!…My shock and dismay quickly turned to outrage. I mean, what decade are we in, anyway? In this day and age, we’re going to tell kids that mothers working outside the home makes their children and families unhappy? That fathers don’t normally do things like cook and wash the dishes?”
So Polvino rewrote the assignment.
In the Mom’s version, Lisa is satisfied that her Mom is working again. The Dad is on leave from work and there isn’t a big hurry. The Dad cooks a wonderful breakfast and the daughter envisions her jon in the future.
There were some who felt another way.
This really reminded the mom and made her grateful to past generations of Mothers who might have had to put up with all these things even though they didn’t want to.
“I have so much respect for all the working moms of past generations who had to deal with this type of crap on a regular basis!…I’m so grateful to them for paving the way.”