Man Attacks Teen Girl But Doesn’t Expect Her To Fight Back In Such An Effective Way…

The teenager was walking to visit her grandmother in Pontiac when a man wearing a hooded sweatshirt approached her.

She said the man yelled, “Hey” to her and when she turned around, she quickly started to speed walk. She said he ran up behind her, grabbed her by the arm and was pulling her off the sidewalk and back toward the bushes. He kept telling her “come on.”

The teen said she was able to get away after kicking him three times in the groin. With the third swift kick, he let her arm go and dropped to the ground.

The girl said she fought back because she was terrified. Once he let her go, she ran to her grandma’s house where they both called the police.

Oakland County Undersheriff Michael McCabe said the little girl did what she should have done. He said the little girl screamed and kicked and when the assailant went down, she ran. McCabe said who knows what would have happened if she didn’t do that.

According to McCabe, this is the second attempted abduction in the area for 2017.

Two black men from a light blue minivan attempted to kidnap two kids who were walking home from school in January. The incident occurred roughly a block from the most recent event. According to those kids – a 7-year-old boy and 11-year-old girl – the van pulled up and behind them, and someone yelled, “Hurry and grab them.”

The children ran to a community center close by, and employees there called the police. Those suspects have yet to be caught.

Unfortunately, the teen didn’t get a great look at her would-be assailant’s face, but said he weighed about 180 pounds, was 5 feet, 9 inches tall and was black. She said he wore a black hooded sweatshirt and black pants.

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