Young Girl Scout Learns Her Father’s Friend Is Rich, Emails Him Priceless Sales Pitch…

The Girl Scouts of America have mastered the art of selling at a young age. Every year, the cookie season rolls around, and these little girls begin peddling their sweet treats. It is for a good cause, and all of the profits go back to local troops.

Eleven-year-old Girl Scout Charlotte McCourt has tailored her sales pitch that will have you in hysterics! The cookies are $4 or $5 a box, which can be pretty costly. They come in a myriad of flavors.


When Charlotte learned that her father’s best friend from high school was “very rich,” she sent him an email! She snuck onto her dad’s computer and wrote a brutally honest email to his old pal. Charlotte’s father—who happens to be a producer for Dirty Jobs‘ Mike Rowe—shared the email with Rowe, who read it out loud to his fans on YouTube. Charlotte learned that her father’s best friend from high school was “very rich,” and she decided to call on him.

Charlotte’s brutally honest cookie reviews are bound to have anyone in stitches! Charlotte definitely has a career in sales, copywriting. It is clear that she has a bright future ahead of her.



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