Meeting people online is an incredible innovation in our modern society. It brings together people that would’ve never had the opportunity through regular means. However, there are always complications on these new platforms.
In actuality, these problems have always existed but they are emphasized with online meeting platforms as well. One of these problems is with people who are pursuing those that are already taken.
Those who try to push the envelope in these situations can end up looking quite morally bankrupt, and pathetic.
Here are a few messages that show this up close.
I don’t think this individual got the picture. I don’t think he’s ever getting the picture.
This message is somewhere between hopeful, pathetic, and the dumb and dumber “1 in a million chance” scene.
Wow, does that line work?
Yeesh, this should go next to “cringe” in the dictionary.
Well, that could still happen. In a nice vivid dream.
Pushing the envelope to zero dignity.
Hopefully, she doesn’t tell the man, for this creeper’s sake.
He seems like a nice and reasonable guy.
This is a level of verbal ownage that most guys never get.
What an awkward conversation.
You didn’t meet the real man yet.
Good lord, this one is just sad.
I suppose this one is a bit more cordially inquisitive, but still.
Double creepy!
Not sure who this is, but I am sure of the shutdown.
Maybe these people got the picture, maybe they didn’t. That certainly didn’t stop them the first time.